
Adcd 1.12
Adcd 1.12

adcd 1.12 adcd 1.12

Streaming (or Screaming?) Queues September 22, 2022.Durable subscriptions to minimise object handle use June 28, 2022.Recording queue manager object access July 5, 2022.Snippet 1 – Building an MQRFH2 October 5, 2022.Snippet 2 – Basic MQ Queue Rate monitoring October 5, 2022.Parsing MQ error logs in Splunk December 19, 2017.When deprecated != deprecated January 19, 2018.Client-based runmqsc gotcha May 3, 2018.MQ Safety Tips for the Pandemic April 5, 2020.Fix Pack for IBM MQ on Ubuntu PPC (Little Endian) September 22, 2022.Fix Pack for IBM MQ on on Ubuntu on z Systems September 22, 2022.Fix Pack for IBM MQ on Ubuntu x86-64 September 22, 2022.Fix Pack for IBM MQ on Windows 64 September 22, 2022.IT42158: Update IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Application Interface for Java (CDJAI) to October 13, 2022.IT42159: Upgrade the Apache Qpid Proton-j level for IBM MQ to Qpid Proton-j 0.34.0 October 13, 2022.IT41868: Update level of zlib supplied with IBM MQ 9.1 LTS to 1.2.12 October 14, 2022.IT41914: Update level of libcurl supplied with IBM MQ 9.1 LTS to libcurl 7.85.0 October 14, 2022.IT42058: Upgrade Eclipse Jetty to version 9.4.48 October 14, 2022.IT42152: Update the Bouncy Castle shipped by IBM MQ 9.2 to version 1.72 October 14, 2022.SE78457: ENDMQM looping in QUIESCING state when utility manager thread ended unexpectly October 14, 2022.SE78501: AMQRMPPA AMQZLAA0 jobs running is wrong subsystem(QMQM) after configuration of custom subsystem October 14, 2022.Personally, I think option # 2 is the simplest and easiest option to implement to fix the above error. (2) Add the following line to the ufm.bat file: set PATH=%MQ_FILE_PATH%\java\lib64 %PATH% (1) Change your PATH so that the \java\lib directory but this may affect other running MQ application that may have their own JVM that is 32-bit. The problem is that the 32-bit path is first, hence, the failure as the user is using the 64-bit JVM. The reason for this error is that when WMQ Server was installed, the installer updated the PATH environment variable with both the 32-bit and 64-bit paths to the mqjbnd.dll.

adcd 1.12

MQException: .jmqi.JmqiException: CC=2 RC=2495 ĪMQ8568: The native JNI library 'mqjbnd' was not found. If you are on Windows, attempting to connect to the queue manager in bindings mode with a 64-bit JVM, you may get the following error: MQException: MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2495'. If you are using client mode for connecting to your queue manager then life will be fine with either of the JVMs. Universal File Mover (UFM) can work with both 32-bit and 64-bit JVMs.

Adcd 1.12